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In the Media
Guest on NPR's Whadya Know, 2015
Print Periodicals
Columbus Monthly - The Dreamers, 2015
614 Magazine - Guest Editor, 2013
Columbus Alive - People to Watch, 2013
Columbus Alive - Interview, 2009
Next City; Manufacturing's Return to Franklinton, 2014
TEDxColumbus - the Amazing Franklinton Race, 2014
Presentation at the Intelligent Cities Forum, 2014
Columbus Underground, Grants Landed to Relocate CIF to Franklinton, 2013
TEDxColumbus - The Need to Make - 2011

Guest Editor in 614 Magazine, August 2013
In Books
Physical Computing and Makerspaces, by Amie Jane Leavitt, 2014
A Celebration Society (cover jacket review), by Jonathon Kolber, 2015
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